I hope this isn't taken as a political comment. I just noticed that the "motto" of The Whitehorse Daily Star is "Illegitimus Non Carborundum" the faux Latin slogan made popular in WWII by Gen. Joe Stillwell. If you visit their website and mouse over it, you'll see their translation.
1. Be wary of entrepreneurial advice from folks with little or no actual experience. I'm struck by how many new places we have popping up to give advice, often from well meaning folks who really don't have much basis from which to be dispensing wisdom. Regard advice givers the same way you do surgeons - or pilots. Check credentials.
2. There's a way to do everything - or almost everything. Steve Belkin , owner of the Atlanta Hawks, couldn't get his first deal financed and wound up cobbling together a friends and family round to start his travel company in the 70s. Wasn't experienced, didn't have the right whatever, etc. Did it anyway.
3. "Yes" is the best of course, but a fast "no" is a gift. A fast no with an explanation is a pearl of great price. There's a special place in hell for the "I'll get back to you" crowd.
4. Don't envy those who love bureaucracies. They'll die with a rubber stamp in their hand.
5. Tom Edison said something like "I have lots of experience. I know thousands of things that won't work." Controlled experiments that give you experience are priceless - or at least affordable. So it learning from the experience of others. Think Icarus .
6. Nothing is as exhilarating as growing your own. And success has many parents.